الكويت التعليمية الكويت التعليمية
الصف الثاني

آخر الأخبار

الصف الثاني
الصف الثاني
جاري التحميل ...

مراجعـة الـأنجليزي للصف الـثاني عشر / نهايـة الـفصل الـدراسي الـثاني الـكويت الـتعليميـة

مراجعة الأنجليزي للصف الـثاني عشر 
لـ نهايـة الـفصل الـدراسي الـثاني

مقدمة مـن :-

1- لتحميل الـمراجعـة إضغط هنا
2- لتحميل مراجعـة أخرى إضغط هنا
او لمشاهدتها إضغط هنا
3- لتحميل مراجعـة أخرى إضغط هنا

او لمشاهدتها إضغط هنا 

محتويات الـمراجعـة : 
1- الـكلمات " الـمفردات " الـمقررة الـخاصـة بسؤال الـتعريف
2- أسئلـة الـسيت بوك

( قائمة الـمفردات الـخاصـة بسؤال الـتعريف فقط )
Vocabulary list for the definition question only

Grade Twelve

Grade Twelve
Over to You
  Third Period        ( الـفترة الـثالثـة )      
respect and warm approval
to choose someone for a job
shocked or gently surprised 
a condition that puts one in a favourable position
bump into
to meet by chance
the state of being happy and satisfied
something that continues for a long time
to keep from sight
usually, habitually
abandoned, neglected
do away with
to get rid of
do up
to fasten, to tie
old or aging
the selling of goods to other countries
causing death
to repair something
an attractive and exciting quality
centre of activity
essential or fundamental
make up
to invent a story
support or actively encourage
peaceful and quiet
not deep
the state of being jobless

Grade Twelve
Over to You
Fourth Period ( الـفترة الـرابعـة )    
on fire; burning
randomly, by chance
to help someone
come over
to visit you at your house
consisting of two parts
infinite or unending time
unusually, remarkably
to carry out an order or plan
tired or exhausted
intelligence, cleverness
having exceptional talent
extremely tiring and demanding
pick out and emphasise
fearless; adventurous
an expedition into space
a person who takes part in climbing mountains
to fly or move around in a circle
unusually good
could be noticed
to refuse to accept
to examine very carefully
able to perceive or feel things
under water
particularly, exclusive
the earth, planets and stars

Set book questions

How can you keep active and ensure a long life?
 a- vigorous stretching for half an hour every morning.
b- Running for a kilometer.
c- Walking.
d- Working.

What should you do to keep your brain fit?
Reading books and reading the Holy Quran.
Solving crosswords and puzzles.
Having a good social life.

 Why are geriatric homes ( old people's homes) rare in the Arab world                                              

because Islam teaches children to honor their parents.
It also teaches children to be compassionate with their parents

4-How can we show gratitude and respect to the elderly?
    a- Caring for them
    b- Showing them compassion in their old age.

5- Why is keeping active important for a long life?
a- Running improves cardiovascular fitness
 b- Vigorous stretching helps to keep muscles supple

Set book questions

Answer the following questions:
1-   Why is it important to get enough sleep?
It is essential for good health.
It helps the brain retain new information.
People who are deprived of sleep might gain weight.
Sleep loss may lead to mistakes and accidents.

2- How much we sleep depends on several factors. Mention some.
Age                                                                        c- Daily routine
The quality of sleep                        d- The genetic makeup.

3- Different types of ages need different  amounts of sleep. Give examples.
Adults need about 8 hours.
Teenagers need about 9 hours.
Babies need about 16 hours.

4- There are some signs which indicate that someone doesn't get enough sleep and need more. What are they?   

a- No concentration at school or work          .                                                                     d- Having bad memory.
c- Being moody or irritable

5- How we sleep affects us. Explain.
Deep and restful sleep makes us feel refreshed after waking up.
Light and shallow sleep makes us feel tired.

Set book questions

Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and justify your answers:

Teenagers need only 7 hours of sleep.                                                  ( X )
They need about 9 hours.

If you don't get enough sleep, you may be moody or irritable.     ( √)
That's because loss of sleep affects the nervous system badly.

People who are deprived of sleep might gain weight.                   ( √)
Because their bodies would process and store carbohydrates and alter levels of hormones that affect their appetite.

Shallow sleepers wake up refreshed.                                                                    ( X )
They wake up tired.

Set book questions

Answer the following questions:
Why has life expectancy reached a high average?
Because many ailments (diseases) that used to be fatal can now be easily cured.
What does an "aging population" mean?
It means that there are more elderly people than ever before.
All elderly people deserve our admiration and compassion. What is the best way to demonstrate our respect for the elderly?
Helping and supporting them.
Holding doors open for them.
Standing when someone enters a room.
Not interrupting them while talking.
Respecting their opinions and pieces of advice.

Set book
Unit Eight
Lessons one & two

1- What advantages and disadvantages are there to living in a city?
Advantages        Disadvantages
a- find jobs easily             a- overcrowding
b- many places of interest           b- pollution

2- Many of the people who used to live in the village now live in the city. Why?
a- to find better-paid jobs
b-farming become less profitable
c- unemployment

3- The move from the country to the city has been reversed in some parts of Europe in recent years. Give reasons.
a- to escape from the overcrowding
b- to escape from pollution

 4- How could city life be made less stressful for  the people who live there?
a- more parks
b-wider streets

5- Why do you think farming has become less profitable in recent years?
 a-Cheap imports from other countries threaten indigenous farmers.
b- Modern technology has made it possible for big farms to price smaller farms out of the market.

6- What would you miss most about city life if you moved to a country area?
a- I miss the chance to find a well- paid job.
b- lots of interesting places

7- The move of people from villages to cities affects badly on villages .Why?
a-Villages suffer from depopulation
b-poor infrastructure
c- deserted farms

8- What would you miss most about the country if you moved to a city?
a-fresh air
b- calmness , friendly people

Lesson 3 WB

10- Why is Silk City ( Madinate Al-Hareer ) being built?
      What the ultimate aim of building Silk City?
a- to establish Kuwait as a commercial hub.
b- to provide housing and jobs

11- Silk City as a new city will include :
a-residential districts
b- financial and commercial districts

12- Silk City will be a unique city .Explain.
a-It's layout has been meticulously planned
b-It will have everything man may need

13- How will the population of Madinate Al- Hareer be kept happy ?
a-They will be near water.
b- they will be near greenery.
c- The city will have all amenities.

14- The crown jewel of Silk City will be Burj Mubarak Al- Kabir. What is exceptional about it?
a-It will stand at  1001 meters and 200 storeys high.
b- It will house the equivalent of seven vertical villages
c- The construction will dominate the skyline.

15 – Mention some differences between Silk City and other modern cities.
a- Silk City guarantees the residents' happiness.
b- All blocks will be near water and greenery.

16- How do you think cities like Silk City will change the way we live?
a- We will enjoy peaceful and calm life.
b- no tension , no stress

Lesson 7 & 8

17- What must be taken in consideration when choosing a place to live in?
a-near greenery
b-quiet and calm
c- near parks , motorways
d- near amenities.

Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and justify your answers:
18- Silk City will be built in Alwafra                                                            (           x )
It will be built in Subiya, north of Kuwait City.

19- Silk City takes its name from  the Peninsula                                                ( x )
It takes its name from the ancient silk routes that traversed Kuwait.

20- Life in the country is less stressful.                                                                  ( √ )
The air is fresh. There is no pollution.

21-People who decide to live in the country miss a lot of things.                              ( √ )
They miss many places of interest like cinemas, theatres, big shopping malls.

22- Burj Mubarak Al- Kabir will be  a land mark in Silk City.                          ( √ )  
It will stand at  1001 meters and 200 storeys high.
Unit Nine
Unit: 9  Lessons:  1 - 2

     1-How have traditional pastimes and leisure activities changed in the modern world?
-In the past :  people used to spend their free time telling stories, talking, reading, doing some crafts by hands, fixing their broken or ruined things, visiting each other.
- Nowadays :  they go shopping, play computer games, chat on the Net, go to a    cafe for a drink.

2-People in the past were able to fix their cars and other machines but now they don't have the skills to do that. What other skills were commonplace in the past but are unusual now?
Designs some furniture for their houses ( tables, shelves, chairs)
Fix televisions.
Paint their houses.

3-What are the creative uses of home computers?
Design magazines.
Produce posters.
Produce diagrams and tables.

Unit: 9  Lesson:3

What is " Bayt Lothan " or " The House of Shelter "?
" Bayt Lothan " is one of Kuwait's best known traditional houses. It's located in Salmiya. It is an old house serving new purposes.

Where does the name of " Bayt Lothan " come from?
The word " Lothan " means shelter. It was the original name of the area in which the house stands, so called because it was a place where ships could take refuge from storms.

What can be done in " Bayt Lothan " ?
OR- How does " Bayt Lothan " act?
It houses an art gallery which teaches art?
It specializes a space for workshops  for arts, crafts and design.
Unit: 9  Lessons: 7-8
What is a biography? How is it different from an autobiography?
A biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else.
An autobiography is an account of someone's life written by oneself.    The writer writes his own biography.
Who is Massouma Al Mubarak?
Massouma Al Mubarak is a Kuwaiti Diplomatic woman. She is the first female minister. She with three other women were the first to enter the Kuwaiti Parliament.

Module Three                   Focus on
Mention some of the classic Kuwaiti games.
Al Khabsah
How do people spend their free time nowadays?
Playing computer games.
Chatting on the Net
Watching television.
What were the characteristics of the games of the past?
Involve groups socializing and playing a well-known games with well known rules
They utilized items from their everyday life, such as shells, rocks, sand…… etc.

MODULE  FOUR                                                                                                    Unit : 10

Unit: 10  Lessons: 1-2

Answer the following questions:

There are a lot of limits and obstacles which face man's progress. What do you need to push these limits?
Adventure                                                                          c- Courage
Challenge                                                                            e- Ambition
There are a lot of difficulties you would face if you attempted to spend time in the isolated icy mountains. Mention some.
OR: What difficulties may a mountain climber face?
Exhaustion                          e- Lack of oxygen                             h- Avalanches
Sickness                                               f- Injury                                                i- Getting lost
Losing contact with the outside world                    j- The cold
Strong winds.                    g-Dizzying heights
What qualities would a person need to climb a very high mountain covered with snow?
a-fitness                                              b- strength                                                         c- perseverance
d-determination                              e-ability to endure solitude

" The seven summits " are the highest and most famous seven mountains in the world. Mention some.
Aconcagua in Argentina.
McKinley in North America.
Mount Everest in the Himalayas in India.
Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland.

What preparations should be done before going on expeditions like climbing dizzying mountains?
Preparing suitable clothes and shoes.
Preparing a suitable place to stay in
Taking a medical kit and a mobile phone.
Telling people where you are going.

What were Zed Al Refai's aims in climbing the seven peaks?
To highlight the importance of protecting the environment in the Gulf Region.
To inspire other Arabs to become involved in the sport.

Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and justify your answers:
Zed Al Refai was the first Arab man to ascend (climb )the tallest mountain on every continent.                                                                   (    T        )
He had reached the top of Mount Aconaqua in Argentina.
Zeddy's first attempt to climb Everest was successful.    (    F        )
His first attempt ended in calamity. His second one was successful.

" Matterhorn " is a difficult and dangerous mountain in Switzerland.
                                                                                                                                                (    T        )
Because it is icy and full of holes.

Unit: 10  Lesson: 3
What are the pros and cons of record breaking attempts?
PROS:                                                                         CONS:
Amazing achievements.                                a- extremely dangerous.
Fame                                                                     b- exposure to death.
Proving abilities.

What is Steve Fossett famous for ?
Steve Fossett became the first person to travel solo round the world in a hot air balloon.
What did Steve Fossett use to keep his balloon at a constant altitude?
He used a sophisticated autopilot system controlled by a computer.

Why do people push themselves to extreme limits?
To gain fame.
To gain money.
To prove themselves as superheroes.

Unit: 10  Lessons:4-5
Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and justify your answers:
Michael Asher was the youngest person to reach the summit of Mount Everest.                                                                                                                                                                               (     F       )
Ken Noguchi was the youngest person to climb Everest.
Noguchi was the first westerner tyoungest person to climb Everest.
Noguchi was the first westerner to traverse the Sahara Desert. (  F  )
Michael Asher was the first westerner to traverse the Sahara Desert.

Unit: 10  Lessons: 7-8

What type of personality and skills are important for challenges?
Strong will.
Craving adventures and excitement.

What can be learnt from expeditions of challenges?
How to deal with bad situations.

Unit: 10  Lesson: 9

How can you stay safe whilst doing extreme sports?
Make sure you are prepared.
Take a medical kit and a mobile phone with you.
Tell people where you are going.
Don't push yourself till you are ready.

Set Book Questions (Unit:11)
1) Why is space exploration important?(U11 L1)
    - To find out everything about the world
    - To help us progress on earth

2) A climber may face some problems. Mention some.(u11  L2)
   - cold               - strong winds             - dizzying heights    - low level of oxygen

3) Mention some similarities between the Earth and Venus.(U11 L3)
      - They are comparable in size and they are approximately the same age. 

4) How does the space technology help in the advance of aircrafts technology? (U11 L7)
    - It helps to make aircrafts lighter, faster and more economical. Developments         made in space, have made  planes engines quieter and have also lowered fuel consumption . 

 4)  Mention some technological advances that are spin- offs from the developed technology for apace.(U11 L7)
     - satellite television          - weather forecasting               - GPS systems

Unit 12
5) What is meant by "A child prodigy"? (U12 L2)
     - A child prodigy is a person who has an outstanding talent or skill at a very           early age.
6) How can parents help their children to achieve success? (Focus on p96)
     Parents should encourage both their sons and daughters to choose a career            they love.

Tick true or false and justify your answers:-
7) Kuwait scientific center organized radio contact with the space station. (T)
    - It is the first such communication in the Arab World.(U 11 L 1)
8) Some people are against space exploration.(U11 L2)                            ( T  )
    - Exploring space costs too much money.
9) It is very easy for scientists to study Venus from the Earth.(U11 L3)   ( T )
    - It is very difficult because Venus is completely obscured by clouds.
10) Venus is called the Earth's sister. (U11 L3)                                             ( T )
    - Because there are many similarities between the two planets.                
11) Mozart is known as the "human calculator." (U 11 L 3)                      (F )
    - He was one of the greatest musical virtuosos of all time.
12 ) Many advances have produced spin-offs items used in space.              ( T )
    - They improve our lives. Solar power was first developed for space ships and       satellites. (U11 L7)
13) Wireless technology is used in medicine nowadays. (U11 L7)              ( T  )
    - It is used to monitor heart activity to alert medical staff of abnormal activity        there.
14) Sewage water can be useful. (U12 L3)                                                    ( T )    
To produce electrical energy.

أسئلـة أخرى 

Grade 12 – second term – final revision

1- What is dyslexia?
a-     It is inability to read and write
b-   It is inability to differentiate between numbers and letters.

 2- What problems do dyslexics usually suffer at school?
a-     It takes them long time to learn to read and write.
b-   They may have problems spelling words correctly.
c-    They may fail many of their exams.

 3- Students may face different difficulties during their learning years. Mention two .
a-     Difficulties dealing with foreign languages.
b-    Difficulties of some exams.

 4- How can we help dyslexics to succeed and achieve their full potentials?
a-     By applying special teaching methods
b-    By having trained teachers to teach them.

5- There are many different skills for critical thinking. Mention two.
a-     Asking questions.
b-    Taking notes.

 6- What are the points ( errors ) of critical thinking ?
a-     Mine is better.
b-    Defining terms.
c-     Circular reasoning.

 7- Why do we need to learn to think critically?
a-     Because it helps us to solve problems
b-    Because it helps us to solve problems in life in general.
c-     Because it helps us to correct our mistakes.

8- Why do some students cheat ?
 a- Because they don’t study well.             
 B- Because the don’t have self confidence.

 9- Is it good to cheat? Why? * Some people consider cheating as a crime. Why ?
 a- No, because you steal other’s work..    
 B- Because it is against Islamic principles.

10- What does independent learning mean?
a-     It means that a person takes full responsibility of his learning.
b-    It means learning away from school or college.

 11- You must learn to take the responsibility for your learning. How can you do this?
a-     By taking notes.
b-    Going over the class work alone.
c-     By testing myself on what I have studied.
 12- Independent learning is different from the normal one. How ?
a-     Independent learning: You choose the subjects to study, and there’s no deadline.
b-    Normal learning: Most subjects are obligatory, and the time is fixed.
13- How has modern technology affected us?
a-    Life has become more comfortable.
b-   The world has changed into a small village.

 14- It is important to keep up with the rapid technological changes. How ?
a-    By retraining .
b-   By upgrading our abilities.
 15- Lifelong learning is important. Give reasons !
a-    To keep up with the rapid technological changes.
b-   To improve our abilities and be able to give new ideas.

 16- In order to get a good job and keep your job, you should……………
a-    Never stop learning.
b-   Retrain and upgrade every now and then.

 17-people fail to do a lot of things for a lot of reasons. Mention two.
a-    They may be careless.
b-   They don’t concentrate well.

 18-People going for interview should not  …………..
a-    Arrive late for the interview.
b-   Oversleep.
19- What should people do to succeed in their lives?
a-    They should have clear vision.
b-   They should set specific goals.

 20-There are a lot  a language learner should do to achieve his / her goal.     Mention two.
a-    Do some researches about qualification in English.
b-   Read English stories.
c-    Watch the news in English.

 21- Old people’s lives in foreign countries are different from people’s lives in Kuwait. Give examples.
a-     In foreign countries; Old people are used to living alone
b-    In Kuwait; People are used to living in families, they stay at home.
22- Many factors affected pearling industry in the gulf. Mention them.
a-     The worldwide economic
b-    The creation of the first cultured pearls.
c-     The discovery of oil.

 23- People who dived for pearls had to be……………….
a-     Fit and strong.
b-    Able to stay underwater for a long time.

 24- What equipments did pearl divers use in the past? Why?
a-     A clip to keep their nostrils closed.
b- Leather covers to protect their fingers and toes.  
25- How did people in the past spend their leisure time?
a-     By camping in the desert.
b-    By practicing their hobbies ( falconry – hunting )

26- How do people spend their leisure time nowadays?
  a- Chatting on the internet.                      
  B- Watching TV.

 27- How can we make full use of our free time?
a-     By reading useful books.
b-    By pracising useful sport.

28- People in the Kuwait still dress in the same traditional ways. Why?
a-     Because of respect of Islamic rules.
b-    Because these clothes are comfortable in hot weather.

 29- Clothes in the past were different from today. How?
a-     In the pastclothes were simple and handmade.
b-    Today: clothes are  mostly ready-made.

 30- Clothing is something that is closely related to culture. Explain.
a-     It shows people’s respect to their culture.
b-    It helps to reflect the customs and traditions of a country.
31- What materials did people use to build their houses in the past?
a-     Animal's skin and hair.
b-    Coral stone and mud.
c-     Palm fronds.
d-    Mangrove trees.

 32- Certain factors affect house design in the gulf in the past and today. Mention two.
a-     The need to have protection from summer heat.
b-    The availability of materials.
c-     The nature of their jobs.

 33- Why did most towns and large villages have forts in the past?
a-     To protect people.
b-    To defend themselves against enemies.

 34- Houses have some things in common with the location where they are built. Give two examples.
a-    Houses near the sea : were made of coral stone and mud.
b-    Inland houses: were made of palm fronds and adobe bricks.

35- How were education in the past different from education today ?
a-     In the past1- education began in religious schools.
                          2- Student had to travel abroad for higher education.
bToday:         1- There are many types of schools.
                               2- Higher education is available here.
36- What problems does agriculture face in the Gulf area ?
a-     Sandy soil.
b-    Salty water.
C-   Bad weather

37- Mothers’ lives in the past was different from today . How ?
a-    In the past :They were illiterate, got married at a very early age and didn’t have maids.
b-    Today : They are educated , they marry at reasonable age and they have maids.

 38- Educated women can do a lot to change the lifestyle in the family. Explain how.
a-     She can help in educating her children.
b-    She can work for the development of the society.

39- People in the Gulf used to live near the coast for many reasons. Mention two.
a-     So that they could fish.
b-    To dive for pearls.
c-     To trade with other countries.

 40- Most families in the Gulf used to move inland during summer time . Why ?
a-     It was drier.
b-    The heat was more comfortable.
c-     To harvest the date trees.

 41- Why has the population of Kuwait increased after the discovery of oil ?
a-     People from other countries have come to Kuwait.
b-    Improvements have been achieved in all fields.
42- According to Al-Razi, there are seven principles of health. Mention two .
a-     Avoiding bad habits.
b-    Care of environment.
c-     Moderation in eating and drinking.

 43- Why was Ibn Sina famous?
a-     Because his books were translated into different languages.
b-    Because he wrote an encyclopedia on medicine.
 44- Give two examples of medical plants and what illnesses they are used for.
a-     Senna plant for stomach pain.
b-    Harmal for headaches.

45- There are many differences between rural and urban societies. Mention two.
a-     Rural societies are calm, safe and clean.
b-    Urban Societies are crowded, polluted and noisy.

 46- Living in cities has a lot of advantages .Mention two.
a-     Life is exciting.
b-    You can get what you want easily.
47- How did people in the Gulf region travel in the past?
a-     By camels
b-    Small ships.

 48- Means of transport have changed a lot. How?
a.     In the past : they were slow , tiresome and boring.
b.    Nowadays: they are faster, safer and more comfortable.

49- Transport plays an important part in the economy of a country. Why ?
      a- You can trade with other countries easily.
 b- To transport goods.

50- Governments in the Gulf have exerted great efforts to change the desert into green land. How?
a-     They desalinated salty water.
b-    They provided farmers with seeds.
c-     They made modern irrigation systems.
d-    They provided farmers with fertilizers.

 51- How is agriculture important for a country?
a-     It is the backbone of the economy.
b-    It provides food for the whole country.

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